Today we have our first giveaway on Photoshop Star in a long time. Photoshop Star and DepositPhotos have partnered to give away 5 free accounts, each with $40 credit to download photos or vector images.
DepositPhotos is a marketplace where you can buy and sell Royalty-Free Stock Photos and vector images. Site is updated daily and offers a vast library of image stock with more than 2 million files to choose from.
DepositPhotos offers a free trial where you can download 5 images (JPEG) per day for 7 days which means 35 images free of charge.
Like many other stock photo sites online, you can buy credits or you can get a subscription plan which lowers price of images.
When you buy a image at DepositPhotos with credits you get another image free which is a great bonus and lowers price of images.
Contest Giveaway Details
DepositPhotos has agreed to give 5 accounts to Photoshop Star readers, each account loaded with $40 credit.
Just leave a comment on this post using a valid email address and your real name so we can contact you in case you win. We will use random number generator to choose winners and next week we will announce the winners.
Only one entry per person.
This giveaway will end at midnight (GMT) on Sunday, November 14, 2010.
Also let us know what kind of experiences you have, if any, buying or selling images from marketplaces online.
Good luck to everyone!
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